“White Savior Barbie”, a $25 portable standing desk, and other links I liked


  1. The story on White Savior Barbie, Ken Opalo’s advice of volunteering, and my own posts on development tourism
  2. A Kickstarter for an ultra-affordable standing desk (I donated)
  3. If you’re at all interested in why people say blogging is dead, why rumors of its death is premature, and the economics of blogging in 2016, you’ll enjoy Ezra Klein’s interview with Ben Thompson
  4. In addition to updating his regular CV, Princeton’s Johannes Haushofer has started his CV of failures
  5. Saumitra Jha’s PhD syllabus for Political Economy of Development (if you don’t know him or his work then you are missing out)

11 Responses

  1. If you’re at all interested in why people say blogging is dead, why rumors of its death is premature, and the economics of blogging in 2016, you’ll enjoy Ezra Klein’s interview with Ben Thompson

    golu dolls
    golu dolls

  2. Any chance you would be willing to publish your “CV of failures”? I am sure it will make for an interesting one.

  3. I’m no fan of development tourism but even though those kinds of trips aren’t good for development, they can be good for broadening viewpoints (as you’ve pointed out before). I’m pretty sure a Venn diagram of development tourists and Trump supporters would have very little overlap so perhaps we need a Kickstarter fund to send Trump supporters overseas to get some perspective.