
Do I hate clowns?

I have received some comments flak for suggesting that clowns ought to have borders. While I was only half serious, it’s worth pointing out that

AAS inductees

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action First some good news – congratulations to development economist and dewormer Ted Miguel, social psychologist

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. Dean Karlan with Abhijit Banerjee. Photo definitely not courtesy of Yale or MIT. There’s been some

IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis at Innovations for Poverty Action. Chris has generously offered to let us at IPA (where he’s a Research Affiliate) share

Adult swim with Oxfam

Oxfam is busily providing relief to drought- and famine-struck people in the Horn. On Wednesday, Duncan Green, Oxfam’s research director, asked his blog readers whether

Freakonomics hits northern Uganda

The actual randomization reminded me of the children’s game Duck, Duck, Goose. The local leaders and several AVSI employees walked in a circle, plucking pieces

Sock monkeys without borders

Regular readers will be familiar with this blog’s ongoing, heartless War on Clowns. A reader alerts me that my comical nemeses have enlisted a new ally: Operation Sock

War between Sudan and Chad imminent?

It looks like my hopes for soccer diplomacy may have been premature. My wife Jeannie was supposed to travel to Abeche on Saturday, near the

Small is still beautiful

I first met Johnson Borh at a DC restaurant. It was his first time outside Liberia, and he looked a little overwhelmed and homesick. I’d