Week 8 of my Order & Violence course: State building without war making

Screenshot 2017-05-17 10.10.44

Screenshot 2017-05-17 10.10.44

This week’s lecture draws heavily on one of the most important books on development I’ve ever read: Building State Capability by Harvard’s Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett, and Michael Woodcock. It is open access and you can download it for free. If you hate trees but love the authors, buy a print copy.

My syllabus is here and the slides are here:

  • Week 8 – State building without war making
  • Week 7 – Armed interventions
  • Week 6 – Legacies of Imperialism and post-colonial politics
  • Week 5 – The State and Society
  • Week 4 – Institutions
  • Week 3 – State development
  • Week 2 – Conflict
  • Week 1 – The demand for order

8 Responses

  1. Thanks for the information your article brings. I see the novelty of your writing, I will share it for everyone to read together. I look forward to reading many articles from you.

  2. Week 6 is the best short analysis of imperialism and its consequences I’ve ever read. Masterly performance. I’ll steal some , if that’s ok.

    The rest are pretty good too. Congratulations on this course. I don’t think you could have found a better use of your education and work then this.