Fascinating article by James Ball, who used to work for Assange at Wikileaks:
There are few limits to how far Assange will go to try to control those around him. Those working at WikiLeaks – a radical transparency organisation based on the idea that all power must be accountable – were asked to sign a sweeping nondisclosure agreement covering all conversations, conduct, and material, with Assange having sole power over disclosure. The penalty for noncompliance was £12 million.
I refused to sign the document, which was sprung on me on what was supposed to be a short trip to a country house used by WikiLeaks. The others present – all of whom had signed without reading – then alternately pressured, cajoled, persuaded, charmed and pestered me to sign it, alone and in groups, until well past 4am.
Given how remote the house was, there was no prospect of leaving. I stayed the night, only to be woken very early by Assange, sitting on my bed, prodding me in the face with a stuffed giraffe, immediately once again pressuring me to sign. It was two hours later before I could get Assange off the bed so I could (finally) get some pants on, and many hours more until I managed to leave the house without signing the ridiculous contract. An apologetic staffer present for the farce later admitted they’d been under orders to “psychologically pressure” me until I signed.
And once you have fallen foul of Assange — challenged him too openly, criticised him in public, not toed the line loyally enough — you are done. There is no such thing as honest disagreement, no such thing as a loyal opposition differing on a policy or political stance.
To criticise Assange is to be a careerist, to sell your soul for power or advantage, to be a spy or an informer. To save readers a Google search or two, he would tell you I was in WikiLeaks as an “intern” for a period of “weeks”, and during that time acted as a mole for The Guardian, stole documents, and had potential ties to MI5. Compared to some who’ve criticised Assange, I got off fairly lightly.Those who have faced the greatest torments are, of course, the two women who accused Assange of sexual offences in Sweden in the summer of 2010. The details of what happened over those few days remain a matter for the Swedish justice system, not speculation, but having seen and heard Assange and those around him discuss the case, having read out the court documents, and having followed the extradition case in the UK all the way to the supreme court, I can say it is a real, complicated sexual assault and rape case. It is no CIA smear, and it relates to Assange’s role at WikiLeaks only in that his work there is how they met.
5 Responses
And once you have fallen foul of Assange — challenged him too openly, criticised him in public, not toed the line loyally enough — you are done
golu dolls
golu dolls
Wow, you people really like throwing big words like “stalinism” without a clue! Just admit that you don’t like the guy in his “rock star” moments and take a minute to read what he has actually accomplished. Have you ever done any fact checking?
Can we all stop and appreciate what an extraordinarily honest, brave, and decent human being Edward Snowden is? Because Julian Assange is further proof that it is pretty rare to find such people in positions of “power.” I want to read an article on just how amazing it is that there has not been literally ONE single skeleton that has been found in his closet. (Knock of wood…)
Assange has linage to Ashkenazism. Which is no surprise and I chuckle at his attempts to be “anti-semitic”. Maybe against the founders of the modern economic world, the Sephards?
Everything about Wiki and Assange is classic eastern european/Ashkenazi invented junk. It is classic Stalinism and its “revision” of the Soviet Union. The mass parades of blond dyed haired young eastern european women during the WWII celebration while Eisenhower looked on has always been foremost in my mind.
Everything about Wikileaks is a eastern european based scam. How much de Rothschild and Putin change these documents is a good???????????????????
Thank you so much for sharing. His bio reads like a complete loser.