This is why you can sing the themes from Star Wars, Star Trek, or Indiana Jones and not one Marvel movie


Insights into the economics of modern day blockbusters, and why they all sound the same–sometimes literally.

6 Responses

  1. “He shares the monstrous intellect but he’s a teenage kid who hasn’t lived much yet. For Banner, the weight [of being Hulk] was like a boulder. For Cho, it’s like a feather. He loves being the Hulk.”

    Alonso is convinced that by the time the new Hulk hits stores, the strongest character in the Marvel Universe will be Korean-American.

  2. Starwars theme song is really cool. You can get all latest songs for free on music downloaders. All these music downloader apps allow you to download all latest music for free on your Android and iOS devices for free.

  3. The only truly memorable music in Marvel is the Avengers theme, which I’m honestly surprised these people couldn’t remember. True, the rest of the video rings very true unfortunately, but there is a major exception to their theory.

  4. Are John Williams’s scores really that bold though? I mean, if we’re talking about Marvel’s music just matching the music to the scene to safely mirror the emotional content, doesn’t Star Wars do that too? – Darth Vader’s march, Leia’s theme, etc. It seems to me that the reason John Williams’ music is so memorable is that he wrote some really great and catchy tunes and used the motifs cleverly throughout the movies.