IPA is looking for Research Coordinator in Sierra Leone to run a big study of how cognitive behavior therapy affects employment. I’m involved as an investigator, and it’s led by Theresa Betancourt at Harvard. We are looking for someone with an MA in a relevant field and some field research experience. IPA is also looking for a Research Manager in neighboring Liberia, a more senior position to oversee many projects.
37 Responses
IPA is looking for Research Coordinator in Sierra Leone to run a big study of how cognitive behavior therapy affects employment
golu dolls
golu dolls
does research work pay that well in africa?
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @OsmSiddiqi: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone! https://t.co/EJZYDjKUt9 @poverty_action
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
@cblatts @TonysAngle email please
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
Retweeted Chris Blattman (@cblatts):
Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one… https://t.co/55kgpiYJWL
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @SAISAfrica: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone https://t.co/CUJ1wfC4Td
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @leecrawfurd: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone https://t.co/tc2IfXJzDN
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone https://t.co/tc2IfXJzDN
Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone https://t.co/CUJ1wfC4Td
Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone: IPA is looking for Research Coordinator in Sierr… https://t.co/YwDBy9bjEl
Actually, this work is far from amazing.
She is known locally in Sierra Leone for her scientific misconduct and ethical violations. She’s even been reported at Harvard. She gets away with it because it is Salone. Very disappointing her work is now happening through IPA and expanding to Liberia.
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone https://t.co/SI9BZ0miWk
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone! https://t.co/EJZYDjKUt9 @poverty_action
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB
RT @cblatts: Some amazing research positions in Liberia and Sierra Leone (including one with me) https://t.co/iwKZ2ROLdB