Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action.
- A few weeks ago I wrote about how the media often stumbles in reporting new research findings particularly about replications. now has a nice guide for reporters (or any non-expert) on how to read science press releases and the papers behind them, and then how to report them.
- Schilbach finds financial incentives encourage sobriety among rickshaw drivers in India, and also encouraged savings (if I’m reading it right). Participants were even willing to sacrifice money in exchange for the sobriety incentives (e.g. using it as tool to help them cut down on drinking). Yikes to the graph above.
- How to get tenure if you’re a woman has advice that probably applies to many careers (h/t Emily Oster).
- I’ve been enjoying in the NYTimes mag “Lives” series, first-person stories from people in other countries, like this one from Colombia about stumbling into the middle of a military/guerilla shootout as a kid, or navigating the Brazilian healthcare system.
- Hernando de Soto is working with the Republic of Georgia and a Bitcoin company to use a blockchain, the kind of distributed public database that keeps track of who owns which Bitcoin, to record and track land titles and make them less vulnerable to corruption or mismanagement.
- I mentioned a few months ago that a Cambridge Ph.D. student studying labor movements in Egypt was abducted, tortured, and killed. The government has finally filed a criminal complaint – against the Reuters journalist who reported the story.
- A paper finds New York teachers are manipulating scores (PDF) on the Regents Exams required for high school graduation, and this benefits minority students. (h/t Justin Sandefur).
- Marc Bellemare offers links to useful Stata cheatsheets (h/t Dev Impact).
If you have a co-worker you don’t like, do what my co-worker did. Hand them printout of this viz on 8 1/2 x11. (Source)
8 Responses
RT @cblatts: IPA’s weekly links
RT @cblatts: IPA’s weekly links
Via @mosenkis:
RT @poverty_action: In the links this week, this is only the second scariest image
In the links this week, this is only the second scariest image
IPA’s weekly links: Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action. A few weeks ago I wrote ab…
@anbrowndc @tukopamoja Just put a guide w/practical tips for reporters covering research stories in @cblatts links
In the @cblatts links, two terrifying #datavisualization