The argument many Republicans are making is that Barack Obama is a “lame duck” president, and, because “the people have not spoken,” he should not be allowed to nominate a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia.
However, you are running for reelection in Iowa this November. At that time, Iowans will go to the polls and their voice will be heard. Until then, who speaks for the people of Iowa? You, as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, carry significant power in determining who gets to become the next Supreme Court Justice. But senator, since you, too, are in an election year, how can you possess the authority to make a decision that will affect the future of our country if “the people have not yet spoken”? Following the direction of the Republican’s logic, I politely ask you to step aside as chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee until the elections take place.
Bonus points because the Harvard admissions committee will love this.
21 Responses
The argument many Republicans are making is that Barack Obama is a “lame duck” president, and, because “the people have not spoken,” he should not be allowed to nominate a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia.
golu dolls
golu dolls
It’s Jake! Jake Smith of Roosevelt High, Des Moines.
Seems I too avoid using sufficient energy to edit references. Still,
better than no attribution whatsoever.
You said it Jack Smith of Des Moines. Although, the very least this blog could do is provide a proper attribution for the actual student:
And why assume a high school senior already capable independent thought would desire to undermine his human potential by going to Harvard in 2016? Hey Jack, exercise caution before hawking your keen mind over to institutions of acadamnica that have helped to further fuel our present political imbalance.
An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student via @cblatts
An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student: The argument many Republicans are …
RT @MarkThoma: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – Chris Blattman #hypocrisie by a student from Iowa to Grassley… Go get him kid
This is how you effectively use the reductio ad absurdam. Open letter to Chuck Grassley about the Supreme Court.
RT @andynorman810: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – via @cblatts
RT @andynorman810: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – via @cblatts
The Harvard admissions committee will love this @cblatts
An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student
An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – via @cblatts
RT @cblatts: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student
RT @MarkThoma: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – Chris Blattman
RT @cblatts: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student
Boring and stupid. Everyone knows the GOP’s playing games here, thinking the odds of a Trump presidency are favorable enough for it to be worthwhile to stall. If Hillary wins, Garland might be confirmed before she’s inaugurated. Criticizing politics with principle is like criticizing Soviet propaganda with reports of people starving: it’s missing the point, and stupidly so.
RT @MarkThoma: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – Chris Blattman
Pure awesome: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student
RT @MarkThoma: An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – Chris Blattman
An open letter to Senator Chuck Grassley from an Iowan high school student – Chris Blattman