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3 Responses

  1. I take it you did not bother to notice that the Washington Post first screwed up the story on George Zimmerman, then corrected it without mentioning the correction, then under a flurry of attacks by bloggers for its dishonesty, the Post finally inserted a note admitting to the correction. This is relevant line: “In the video, Zimmerman compared his ideals to those of Anne Frank, saying, ‘I still believe that people are truly good at heart, as Anne Frank has said, and I will put myself in any position to help another human in any way I can.’” Jumping on a reckless bandwagon like that probably will get you more invites to parties on the Upper West Side, but to the rest of us, you just look foolish.

  2. Hi Chris – regarding the mandatory vote. I agree with the conclusion. But what I saw in compulsory voting countries (they are few but I lived in 2), is that the policies and campaign needs to atract the moderate voters and not the extremes, because the moderates will be the majority of the voters in a compulsory election. So the anger and the rage tends to be minimised which I think would be good for the USA and maybe that’s the reason Obama wants to bring the mandatory vote.