- “If you read one thing about microfinance, read this“
- How happy are academic economists?
- The case for changing our time zone
- Thank you to @misologie for suggesting the secret service version of “Where’s Waldo” with the NY Times’ front page photo this Saturday:
3 Responses
Microfinance as understood broadly today is very different from the type of microfinance promoted by Grameen and Muhammad Yunus. Becoming a microborrower at Grameen comes with a whole list of requirements to follow (building latrines etc.; summary: http://www.gdrc.org/icm/grameen-16.html) . It would be interesting to do research on the impact of that specific model of microfinance.
Time to to bring BIG R as in Regulation to supervise Microfinance. The creation of Microfinance Bill (http://www.prsindia.org/billtrack/the-micro-finance-institutions-development-and-regulation-bill-2012-2348/) is good step in this direction.
Poverty tourists aka DEVELOPMENT EXPERTS like yourself and other precious Expats in the developing world need a collective kick in their pants.
Links I liked: “If you read one thing about microfinance, read this“ How happy are academic economists? The ca… http://t.co/DnA4s2J0y0