3ie has been analyzing the universe of rigorous impact evaluations on peacebuilding and conflict, to identify gaps. They’ll present results Thursday in NYC, and invitation/RSVP information is below. Open to all. I will be a discussant.
To spark interest, here’s some preliminary figures from a presentation last month at the World Bank.
First, the number of impact evaluations and the variety of outcomes they look at, by country. (I am only partly responsible for Liberia.)
If you took the ratio of evaluations to population, little Liberia (4 million) would look even crazier. So yes there are gaps.
Here, impact evaluations by intervention type:
The details:
The Evidence for Peacebuilding Initiative: Supply and demand for evidence on peacebuilding interventions
Annette Brown, Ph.D., Head of the Washington Office of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
Chris Blattman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, Columbia University
Sheree Bennett, Research, Evaluation, and Learning Advisor, International Rescue Committee
Thursday, March 5
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
The International Rescue Committee’s Headquarters
122 E 42nd Street
New York, NY 10168
Conference Rooms 11B/C
To attend the meeting in person, please RSVP to Rick Bartoldus by March 3
To attend the meeting remotely from a computer or mobile device:
1. Go here
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. Click “Join”.
To view in other time zones or languages, please go here.
31 Responses
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
Not much in there about farming or food. If I remember rightly a research project stated that if people had success in food production then they wouldn’t go around shooting each other. Was it in Liberia question mark.
RT @stability_fund: When will Somalia be added? We are trying but resistance is huge. “@cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? http…
RT @theReboot: Learn about peace interventions + evaluations from @3ieNews @theIRC in NYC 3/5 or attend online http://t.co/6NXSnnOsXx h/t @…
This talk in NYC should appeal to fellow #eval & #peacebuilding geeks: March 5: Evidence 4 Peace with @cblatts http://t.co/fpkrPnmaBk
Learn about peace interventions + evaluations from @3ieNews @theIRC in NYC 3/5 or attend online http://t.co/6NXSnnOsXx h/t @cblatts
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
Really looking forward to this talk on impact #evaluations in #peacebuilding http://t.co/ukyVP2B0kS
Looking forward to reading 3ie’s report on gaps in impact evals on peacebuilding and conflict http://t.co/heHnfZ5j07
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
I just clicked the New York option and it says march 5th, but for Chicago it says march 4th. Weird
Nethope. The website for watching the meeting remotely
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
@anonymous: I’m not sure what website you mean. Everything I can see says March 5, and it is March 5, but if you point me to the page with the error I’ll let them know.
@Dan Honig: they’ll have it released in the coming weeks or months. not sure.
RT @RachelStrohm: On a related note, @cblatts talks about how only some post-conflict reconstruction activities actually get studied: http:…
On a related note, @cblatts talks about how only some post-conflict reconstruction activities actually get studied: http://t.co/U1U90Ptroo
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
Chris, Where can we get the data underlying these graphs? Helpful both for thinking about where the knowledge gaps are and syllabus planning…
“@cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/4XNFuXfCHD” @dianadajer
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
RT @cblatts: Where are the gaps in peace research? The state of impact evaluations in peacebuilding http://t.co/Owk5xGucHw
The website says March 4th but your blog says 5th. Which is it?
Evidence for Peacebuilding. Summary of results from impact evaluations on peacebuilding and conflict. ht @cblatts http://t.co/bJzHd0Gnsc
RT @anbrowndc: Talk in NYC March 5: Evidence 4 Peace http://t.co/J1KhgMm9uy
RT @anbrowndc: Talk in NYC March 5: Evidence 4 Peace http://t.co/J1KhgMm9uy
Talk in NYC March 5: Evidence 4 Peace: 3ie has been analyzing the universe of rigorous impact evaluations on p… http://t.co/dbKFX3XLWp
RT @anbrowndc: Talk in NYC March 5: Evidence 4 Peace http://t.co/J1KhgMm9uy
Talk in NYC March 5: Evidence 4 Peace http://t.co/J1KhgMm9uy
RT @cblatts: Talk in NYC March 5: Evidence 4 Peace http://t.co/0U200gvSRx