This made me laugh out loud:
Warning: This will only be funny to (a) diehard fans who (b) have seen the actual new trailer. Several times.
If you are especially obsessive, you will love this 70-minute takedown of Lucas’ Episode I. Genius with moments of bad taste.
This real new trailer plus the new animated Rebels series makes me think Star Wars will be better in the hands of Disney than Lucas. The animation is a bit stilted at times, and the characters are a bit formulaic, but it has the fun Old West feel of the original trilogy. I have not watched The Clone Wars and am wondering if I should.
There is a credible leak of the Episode VII plot. I started reading but forced myself to stop with the first spoilers. Too plausible and I’d rather not risk it.
Meanwhile, I’m intrigued by news that Topher Grace of all people has edited the three prequels into an 85 minute films that is, by most accounts, good. Apparently, it begins with the closing sequence of Episode I, eliminating virtually the entire movie (good riddance). Unfortunately it’s not available online. Pointers to clandestine downloads welcome.
Finally, if you want to be traumatized, here is Star Wars before they found James Earl Jones to voice Darth Vader:
13 Responses
@cblatts Excellent. The Lucas cut just needs an extended cantina scene & it wd be perfect. Another vid for your post:
@cblatts ‘… and trade negotiations’. Ha, that is pretty good. Thanks
Get your Star Wars fix for the day
@cblatts if you’re wondering about The Clone Wars, YES, you should absolutely watch the series.
RT @cblatts: What if George Lucas made the new Star Wars movie?
What if George Lucas made the new Star Wars movie?
“What if George Lucas made the new Star Wars movie?”
Chris Blattman – What if George Lucas made the new Star Wars movie?
What if George Lucas made the new Star Wars movie?: This made me laugh out loud: Warning: This will only be fu…
@masoudtarek lol, it’s not their generation. But it LOOKS COOL (my inner-geek is happy) @cblatts
@cblatts showed this to my boys (6 & 10), and the big takeaway for them is that there’s a dude out there whose last name sounds like batman.
@cblatts except for Darth Maul. He was bad ass.
@cblatts agreed. a little part of me died when I read that jar jar binks was Lucas’ favorite character. I refuse to acknowledge SW I-III.