RT @sctwea: .@cblatts’ blog will continue! Yay! 7th anniversary. http://t.co/4rYdzU755A http://t.co/PHXl4z6fLt
@cblatts congrats on keeping it going strong for this long. Look forward to you taking it into being a teenager!
Happy blogiversary to me!: Number 7! Once again, the main this blog sticks around for me: (P.S. I’ve long lost… http://t.co/cVEryRY7Sg
9 Responses
Happy blogiversary to me! http://t.co/X4ALGXKgd7
RT @sctwea: .@cblatts’ blog will continue! Yay! 7th anniversary.
http://t.co/4rYdzU755A http://t.co/PHXl4z6fLt
.@cblatts’ blog will continue! Yay! 7th anniversary.
http://t.co/4rYdzU755A http://t.co/PHXl4z6fLt
hahahah! adorable. Happy blogiversary to me! http://t.co/sx1G96vgB9 via @feedly
@cblatts congrats on keeping it going strong for this long. Look forward to you taking it into being a teenager!
Cartoon source: http://www.ashersarlin.com/archives/2011/11/post_1.php
Happy blogiversary to me!: Number 7! Once again, the main this blog sticks around for me: (P.S. I’ve long lost… http://t.co/cVEryRY7Sg
worth celebrating @cblatts blogiversary! http://t.co/S0nKm4w1Q2
Congrats, Chris. Been reading the blog since around ’09, still enjoying it.