There are two events next week where I’ll be presenting the results of our survey of war-affected youth in Uganda. Uganda is currently in peace negotiations with the Lord’s Resistance Army, and the design of the DDR (disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration) program will be the next item on the peace agenda. Jeannie Annan, Dyan Mazurana and I will be presenting a critique of what we see as the status quo, and will propose a new way forward for international donors, NGOs, and the government of Uganda.
Washington DC: Monday, 29 October from 12 – 2pm at the Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW.
New York: Tuesday, October 30 from 12 – 1:30 pm at the UN Secretariat, OCHA, USG Conference Room, 36th Floor
The event is open to all that RSVP to Emily Torres at: emily.torres (at) tufts (dot) edu