Chris Blattman

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End poverty by giving the poor cash?

If you’ve been following my recent posts and papers on giving cash to the poor, three things that may interest you: First, we’ve put out

Just give the poor cash?

Ought we to help hungry households with cash or with food? Evidence on consumption and nutrition from a randomized control trial in Mexico: households do

Are cash transfers overrated?

Kevin Starr and  Laura Hattendorf of Mulago explain why they think the evidence for cash transfers to the poor is overrated. Basically, it comes down to

And the cashonistas rejoice

What happens when $1000 of manna falls onto your mobile phone? The GiveDirectly study of unconditional cash to poor farmers in Kenya is out. The

Is it nuts to give money to the poor?

I’m breaking my blog holiday. It’s a special occasion: Planet Money reporters David Kestenbaum and Jacob Goldstein went to Kenya to see the work of a

Why We Fight - Book Cover

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