Make love not riot? (Photo of the day)

Granted, my Canadian brethren could probably pick no more stupid reason to riot.

On the other hand, they do deserve a little credit for style:

Via the National Post.

8 Responses

  1. Welcome to the world of professional sports. Hard to imagine you made it this far without coming across riots in Baseball (see: Boston Red Sox) Basketball ( LA Lakers Championships and/or Lebron James Decision) and Soccer (see: Every country outside North America).

    Furthermore, you have a stadium full of disappointed fans that were most likely imbibing alcohol. Whether the Canucks won or lost, I say, there would have been a riot.

    How is this so difficult to comprehend?

    By the way, to Heather’s point, the Canucks has some of the best fans on the planet, who by the way, volunteered to clean up the carnage the day after the riot. Whatever can Canada do to get back in your good graces, good sir?

  2. I think that the people who were rioting weren’t doing it over hockey — it seemed pre-meditated given that people showed up with actual equipment to light cars on fire. Just to counter any new stereotypes about crazy Canadian hockey fans.

    1. Read my comment below, there would have been a riot whether or not they lost. A bunch of people in a Championship game + alcohol. Happens in every sport, and in case you haven’t noticed, most Championship sports teams are American ones. So I assume, there will be outrage on here next time the Red Sox win in the World Series and decide to go apeshit. Oh and.. right.. every American will be called into question.

  3. well but his dad seems to think it was a kiss. “He lay down next to her to comfort her. She was crying and he just kissed her to calm her down.” way to show up every other boyfriend on the planet, dude.

    1. “outclassed by Aussies, that’s how low you’ve fallen”

      Outclassed? A guy picks his GF up off the street and he’s …what.. James Bond in your eyes?

  4. It looks like it, but they are not kissing. As the guy on the picture said later, he was just reconforting his girlfriend after they fell.