IPA’s weekly links

Source: Wikimedia commons

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action.



  • “Surfing helps reduce extreme rural poverty, by encouraging people to nearby towns. When a wave is discovered by the international community, economic growth in the area rises by around 3%.

    Paper PDF (via Lee Crawfurd/Max Roser), winner for best title suggestion goes to Matt Collin for “Point Estimate Break.”

  • Ezra Klein’s policy-focused interview with Hillary Clinton was good (video and article here, podcast in iTunes or web).
  • Andrew Gelman talks about how his first preregistered replication was harder than he expected, because it involved going back and thoroughly reexamining the code and fixing the glitches in the first analysis. Ultimately the process of having to register the replication plan made the research better.
  • A study from Ethiopia suggests the smell of a live chicken may keep away malarial mosquitoes.
  • In The Economist: The real Africa land grab isn’t by foreign investors or big agra companies, but middle-class urbanites. It is being driven by a combination of reforms making land ownership easier, low salaries, and demand for food in increasingly urbanized populations making farming more profitable.
  • Raul Pacheco-Vega (who’s worth following on twitter) offers a workflow matrix for responding to reviewer comments, as well as other writing tips.
  • The effects of randomly assigning people to wear a fat suit on eating habits, presumably forthcoming in the Journal of That Got Funded?? (h/t Neuroskeptic)

And I’ve long thought church signs were the original tweets:


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