IPA’s weekly links

Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action.

  • IPA is among the many organizations endorsing new research transparency and openness guidelines published in Science by 37 authors, including Ted Miguel and Rachel Glennerster. Also see the accompanying articles including how one cancer biologist’s findings were chosen to be independently replicated (or not…). More on what IPA is doing for research transparency here.

In the US, we’re approaching the July 4th holiday weekend, and we thought we’d provide some summer reading (and other media) lists:

  • The folks at Quartz Africa have been kind enough to supplement the NY Times all-White author summer reading list with one from African authors (and a similar one from India here).
  • If you’re going to be driving (or similarly occupied) the Financial Times’ Tim Harford recommends Owen Barder’s list of econ podcasts to load up on.
  •  Marc Bellemare has been doing a series on books that have shaped his thinking in: development, food and agriculture, and econometrics (and if you’re reading an econometrics book on your holiday weekend, I’d offer you a job, but you probably already work for IPA).
  • For casual browsing, Rachel Strohm has recently refreshed her list of twitter voices from Africa, broken down by country.

But two of the best longform articles I’ve read recently have both been about refugees and immigration:

At age six, I ran away with my sister to escape the Rwandan massacre. We spent seven years as refugees. What do you want me to do about it? Cry?

After passing through 8 countries she ended up in a wealthy Chicago suburb, then went to Yale, but much of her point is that she doesn’t feel sorry for or applaud herself, it’s just what happened. It’s wonderfully written. (h/t Tom Murphy)

Both amazingly well written and will make you feel smarter about the world, worth printing out and taking with you.


And for Canada Day, we offer you a skiing moose:

via Buzzfeed

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