I’ve been training, planing, taxi-ing, and busing around Europe for conferences and talks, which turned out to be the perfect amount of time to listen to the twelve podcast episodes. (Free!)
In case you are not sure what I mean, I will do you the favor of telling you very little in advance. No spoilers here. It is a podcast in 12 parts. At first I thought it would be fiction, and wondered what the fuss was about. But it’s basically a 12-episode long version of This American Life. About an actual murder mystery.
My verdict: slightly overhyped, but well done, and well worth listening to on travels or a commute. Far superior to what I watch on flights. Then again, for some reason, the altitude and booze on transatlantic flights make me want to watch Transformers 6. And cry at the ending.
When you finish, you may want to read this article, which summarizes developments since the final episode in December.
There is a chance that news stories about the real case will spoil the whole podcast for you, sometime in 2015. A chance. So I recommend listening sooner rather than later.
Unless of course you’re at 35000 feet, in which case I can’t recommend Transformers 11 enough.
3 Responses
For continuing updates, see attorney Susan Simpson’s brilliant analysis of the case using primary source material: http://viewfromll2.com.
@cblatts Welcome to the bandwagon. You may want to read Jay’s interview, published a few weeks ago https://t.co/7lxnEfTUY3
@cblatts clickbait tweet?