Links I liked

  1. Coffitivity “recreates the ambient sounds of a cafe to boost your creativity and help you work better.”
  2. What the location of your capital city has to do with conflict risk
  3. A Christian woman rewrites Harry Potter, swapping wizards and magic for the faithful and miracles. Either Ann Coulter-like reality or Stephen Colbert-like spoof. I can’t tell. “Career woman” is used as evidence of the villainess of Aunt Petunia.
  4. How to buy a mattress
  5. As NSF (and similar) deadlines approach for PhD students, I point you to my advice for PhD grant writing. Comments and dissent welcome.

2 Responses

  1. How to buy a mattress

    I’m amazed that the author of the mattress article didn’t mention Tuft & Needle, which is designed to replace the mattress industry with something better—a sort of Warby Parker for beds.

    I sent him a Tweet and email but haven’t heard back.