Chris Blattman

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Links I liked

  1. Interview with Penny Goldberg
  2. Duncan Green reviews a history of the rise and power of Constitutions as a global ‘political technology’
  3. Why was Nirmal Purja’s ascent of all fourteen 8,000m peaks controversial? (Seems like persnicketiness to me)
  4. Digital reconstruction of ancient Rome
  5. From This Week in Africa, some links on West African coups:

Erica De Bruin and Maggie Dwyer explain how this wave of African coups differs from previous ones. Christopher Faulkner, Jaclyn Johnson and Naunihal Singh: Don’t blame contagion for the resurgence in coups. Kristen Harkness argues that diversifying Africa’s militaries may be the key to successful democratization. Why do US-trained officers keep overthrowing governments?

  1. An initially sweet thread from Big Bird:

Here is Pino, from the Netherlands.

But here is Garibaldi, from Brazil.

WTF Brazil?

No word yet on Garibaldi’s connections to the Comando Vermelho, but we are looking into it.