Chris Blattman

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My political economy of development class: Crisis, conflict and aid

I’ve forgotten to post the slides for a few weeks. Sorry. thanks to a few readers who reminded me.

Week 7 – Crisis, Reform and Structural Adjustment: The political and economic roots of global economic crisis in the 1980s, and the drivers of reform

Week 8: Midterm

Week 9: The political economy of aid and humanitarianism: Why ought aid to work, what it does and doesn’t do, the political repercussions, and the remaining case for aid

Week 10: State failure and conflict: The causes and consequences of war, with a focus on some major economic and political theories.

These are large files, which I’m having difficulty uploading to the site, so they may only be up for a few weeks.

5 Responses

  1. What’s your PE model for overvaluation? I buy the patronage claim, but the claim that countries overvalue bc of urban consumers seems dubious. Why would they have the power to do that (and if they did, why wouldn’t they also favor free trade?). How would such a diverse group organize collective action to prevail against producers?

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