Research assistant positions in Ethiopia and Liberia

I’m looking for field research assistants in both Liberia and Ethiopia, both (ideally) starting in early January.

The basic job description and application instructions are on the IPA careers website. Look for the Liberia and Ethiopia positions advertised on November 16. Please apply to both if you are interested in both. Please apply through the IPA website rather than write me directly, as someone else is reviewing the applications.

In Liberia, you would be helping to manage and coordinate the Liberia projects described here. In Ethiopia, you would be helping to coordinate a study of the effects of industrial jobs on poverty, working with me and Stefan Dercon. Both are high octane, intense jobs requiring amazing organizational skills, independence, a willingness to be on the move, and fortitude. They will also be fun, fascinating, and amazing training for the aspiring grad student. Stats and Stata experience are a big plus, as is experience working in a developing country.

In Liberia we are leaning towards a recent undergraduate (i.e. not an MA) but in Ethiopia we are more flexible.

Apply soon. We will be reviewing applications as they come in.

Updates on the Ethiopia position (Nov 21):

We will begin reviewing applications this week and may make hiring decisions in the first week of December if we find the right candidate.

We will be favoring people who can start Jan 4. Short notice, I know.

Some people have had difficulty applying through the J-PAL hiring system, because of the recommendation letter requirements on short notice. If that is the case, you may also apply by sending a resume, cover letter, and contact information for three references to (No need apply to both sites.)

9 Responses

  1. I am a public health student with some research background from Monash University and would love to be part of this. I however did not find the application portal.

  2. hi am a kenyan citizen and have done research work for the last three years and my question is that is their a chance for kenyans to get this job?

  3. Hello Chris,
    I was wondering if you could give me some detail as to how much you compensated the liberian research assistant. I need to hire in Liberia for my dissertation project and was wondering what the rates you offered were.

  4. Hi,
    The email address you sent ( is incorrect. Would you please verify it?

  5. Hi Chris,

    Would you mind pointing us to more specific information on the project in Ethiopia?



  6. Does the “(ideally) starting in early January” mean an applicant who wouldn’t be able to start until, say, July would not be considered?

    Many thanks.

  7. Hi
    My Name is Austin from Nairobi, are Kenyans eligible for this positions, especially for the Ethiopian position?

    Best regards,

    Austin Odhiambo

  8. Out of curiosity and a need to plan my own educational path, why the bias towards a recent undergraduate in Liberia?