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Madeline Albright Quote of the Day

Madeleine Albright writes in the LA Times that global democracy is no longer inevitable, and pleads for vigilance and principles:

I am 70 years old, without stars in my eyes. I understand that no system of government, not even democracy, guarantees prosperity or peace. Our leaders must weigh a variety of factors when deciding which governments to support. Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary to make alliances of convenience with countries that do not share our values. Democracy itself is not an event but a painstaking process that must evolve over time through the creation of institutions and changing habits of thought.

These reservations aside, the principle endures. The United States is not China. Without a passion for democratic government, we have no valid claim to the attention of foreign populations. If America is lukewarm or transparently hypocritical in its support for democracy, we will cause irreparable damage to our long-term interests. The more democracy is challenged, the more its champions must insist on its validity as the best system of government humans have devised. And if America does not lead that roster of champions, who will?

HT: SWJ blog

One Response

  1. Ahhhh, the refreshing refrains of true wisdom and intellect! I adore Mdme Sec. Albrights’s speaking truth to power! (And by power, I mean THE PEOPLE!) Listen up and learn. We are but a part of this great world and cannot hold a moral authority over our neighbors.

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