Chris Blattman

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The peacebuilder’s poetry

His name is John Paul Lederach, he is a longtime international peace negotiator, and his poetry of choice is Haiku. An untitled poem, from Tajikistan in 2003:

Gods and men love maps.
They draw borders with pens that
split lives like an ax.

He is interviewed here. His is a professor at Notre Dame, and I am intrigued by his recent book.

Another, titled, “Advice from the Mediator’s Fellowship”:

Don’t ask the mountain
To move, just take a pebble
Each time you visit.

One Response

  1. The Moral Imagination is a fantastic book. I was first exposed to it (and Lederach) when starting the Conflict Transformation certificate at North Park University, where that text is a core part of the curriculum.

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