As though I didn’t think humans were ridiculous enough already

In the largest false memory study to date, 5,269 participants were asked about their memories for three true and one of five fabricated political events. Each fabricated event was accompanied by a photographic image purportedly depicting that event. Approximately half the participants falsely remembered that the false event happened, with 27% remembering that they saw the events happen on the news.

Political orientation appeared to influence the formation of false memories, with conservatives more likely to falsely remember seeing Barack Obama shaking hands with the president of Iran, and liberals more likely to remember George W. Bush vacationing with a baseball celebrity during the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

A new paper.


9 Responses

  1. That’s . . . a lousy experiment. W. famously did vacation during Katrina, so having your experiment turn on a detail of a 7 year old historical event is bizarre.