Chris Blattman

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What happens to wages when women delay having children? Do Indian voters punish their politicians for bad policies? What do these have in common?

Some further facts of interests out of the PhD job marketeers from Berkeley:

Jane Leber-Herr looks at the effect of the timing of a woman’s first birth on her labor market success later in life:

I find that a one-year delay increases women’s wage growth over the first 15 years after labor market entry by 3 percent, or up to 5 percent among the college educated. I find that the effect is not only stronger among the more educated, but also more permanent.

Sharad Tandon asks how Indian voters respond to a government policy reform that harms their incomes and finds a surprising result:

I show that regions most hurt by tariff decreases did not vote against the incumbent government. Surprisingly, these regions experienced a relative increase in the vote share for both the party that initiated the economic reforms and parties with similar preferences in favor of poverty-centric policies. In a second empirical finding, the strength of this political response varied in a manner consistent with local political manipulation of the national reforms. These results suggest that the expectation of complementary policies mitigating the distress caused by reform might significantly impact the voting response…

Papers topics like these make me happy to be an economist. Others that do the same are here and here.

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