Chris Blattman

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“Confessions of an ex-Mormon”…

..gets my vote for Best Article With Most Misleading Title. Technically accurate, but sounds like an exposé (which it is not).

The subtitle is “A personal history of America’s most misunderstood religion”, which gets closer. It is by novelist Walter Kirn in TNR, and is one of the more thoughtful essays I’ve read this year.

A sign of an excellent memoir might be that little is bloggy and quotable. So you will just have to read it.

I did like this passage on confession, though:

To be asked if you lied and be forced to lie again was annoying and dispiriting. It prevented you from pretending you were good, which is sometimes, with kids, what helps you to be good.

(P.S. Runner up for most interesting article of the week is this NY Times profile of a Washington fabulist. The slow, skillful unraveling of the nuttiness reminds me why I could never be a top writer.)

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