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Smarter women consume more alcohol

The Gothamist reports a new study:

The researchers found that women who went to university consume more alcohol than their less-educated counterparts and they are twice as likely to drink on a daily basis. In fact, this can all be predicted at an early age—the study points out that schoolgirls who scored medium and high test marks are 2.1 times more likely to drink daily as adults.

These boozy broads also tend to postpone parental responsibilities and hold off on having children, likely work in male-dominated offices, and we’re guessing have afforded themselves a life of luxury that allows them to pour only the finest Chardonnay into their coffee mugs in the morning

11 Responses

  1. If smart and educated means long days in male-dominated offices, then booze would be required.

  2. I don’t know about the finest Chardonnay in the coffee mug in the morning, a cheap Malbec works just fine.

    In all seriousness, although I see some ‘truth’ to the report (scary parallels), I’m with Liza above… sounds more like a joke than anything else??? The use of ‘broads’ gives it away…

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