Chris Blattman

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1. Does a belief in fate make you more likely to become a cheat and crook?

2. The Arbeit Macht Frei sign has been macht frei

3. Google now gives driving directions in Kenya

4. American manufacturing in decline?

3 Responses

  1. Number 1 seems to test a belief in free will versus biological determinism. I wonder if the results would be different in a test of belief in free will versus religious determinism which is much more common in Africa, India, and other parts of the non-Western world.

  2. I think it was macht frei in the same sense that arbeit macht frei in the original context–as in not at all. Surely readers of this are alert to irony at this stage?

  3. Hey Chris,

    for No.2 the correct translation is “befreit” rather than “macht frei”. But do you really want to say that the sign has been liberated? This seems morally questionable to me…


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