Chris Blattman

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Random fieldwork thoughts

Back to Monrovia tomorrow, assuming our wheel bearings hold out. (To the shame of my father, who was once a race car mechanic, I don’t actually know what wheel bearings are.)

We were welcomed to a village today with kola nut in cayenne pepper and grilled porcupine. No choice but to dig in and hope the gastrointestinal gods smile upon me today.

I somehow love the fact that the UN peacekeeping mission has a morning hip hop radio DJ named Ice Baby.

Finally, I continue to be amazed that an economy can function without power plants, decent roads, or anything resembling
An intercity transport system (for produce or people.) I can’t wait to see this country in ten years–about the time I figure it will take to get these.

With little doubt, I will still be coming back, gastrointestinal gods permitting.

Why We Fight - Book Cover
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