Chris Blattman

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For people planning to do survey or qualitative research in Liberia…

As you know, over the past five years I helped build and polish a research organization in Liberia, what is now Innovations for Poverty Action Liberia (IPAL). My three field projects are drawing to a close.

IPAL’s other projects are either fully staffed or able to offer work to some, or work in the short term only. I’d like to help our 40-50 colleagues find long-term, fulfilling employment or, failing that, plenty of short term opportunities in the future. To that end, I invite you to contact me for the details and contact information for quantitative and qualitative research staff, whether you are running a project now or in a year or two.

I have a spreadsheet of staff and contact details, available on request. All of our staff were carefully screened at employment and have proved to be talented and dedicated team members.  A significant number have been working with us since IPAL started operating in Liberia in 2008.

Every person will have taken part in month-long intensive trainings in various areas such as human subjects’ research protocols, survey instruments, IT etc. Almost all our staff members have extensive experience in quantitative enumeration and data entry; 10 have led teams of 6-15 members and have good project management skills, 5 have been trained to high standards on qualitative research methods and 2 are able transcribers. Again all of these individual details are available on request.

We’ve worked with well over 200 enumerators and survey managers in Liberia, if not more. Each person on this current listing is without question well above the median enumerator or research manager in Liberia. We recommend all without reservation.

Even so, among this group some are better than others at different tasks. To help our colleagues, I asked my research managers in Liberia to grade our staff individually at various tasks according to the following scale: 1-very good, 2-good, 3-average, 4-below average. Note that this is relative to one another, and so even a 4 places them above the average person we have recruited and used in the past.

Our Project Manager Abel Welwean is representing the group and the group elected him to be a point of contact for everyone on this list. Nonetheless, you should feel free to request the full spreadsheet from me and contact people individually as well.

Note that IPAL is happy to speak to researchers about running field experiments, though note that it operates more as a cradle-to-grave home for a project rather than a survey firm.

4 Responses

  1. Can can please tell me about research opportunity in Liberia. My field of interest is in Health, education and water.

  2. Thank you for sharing these resources!
    I was wondering if you have a similar list or contact details for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  3. Can you give advice about how to “build and polish a research organization” in a developing country?

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