Chris Blattman

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Ode to a development consultant

You come with fancy degrees for sure
Harvard Kennedy
Princeton Wilson
Georgetown, Syracuse and Yale

You drive in SUVs through ghettoes
Camera flashes, notebooks crinkle
Photographs for exhibitions
To show what all you have seen
This wretched country you have been

The full poem is here.

Largely the truth, but perhaps not the whole truth. There are things to appreciate in development consultants. It would be easier to appreciate these things, of course, if they didn’t arrive with massive overheads and absurd per diems.

h/t: Rishav

One Response

  1. This poem really isn’t about development economists. I know the immense value of the work done by a lot of you!

    More of a random comment on certain development consultants/ (international bureaucracies?) I encountered in my work…certain things about their attitude bothered me. It is very person specific

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