Chris Blattman

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Why I was awake at 6am this morning

Not jet lag, though that made it easier. (I am not a morning person–more of a 1am to bed, 8am to rise, 8:05am run around like mad, 8:45am thankful I live just a 5 minute bike ride from the office…)

No, the real reason is that Yale is hosting the 2008 Households in Conflict Workshop, and I decided to make last-minute changes to my model and presentation.

Check out the program and papers here.

One highlight: Steve Shewfelt presents evidence from Aceh that war trauma leads to increased political participation later in life. Hmmm… where have we heard that before?

P.S. If you’re a social scientist doing micro-level work on civil war or violence, you really should apply to join the network. It’s an impressive bunch and a great working paper series.

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