Chris Blattman

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Guantanamo moves to The Hague?

More bungling by the International Criminal Court, reports the New York Times. In 2005 the ICC indicted and captured Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga on the charge of forcibly recruiting child soldiers. Lubanga has been held without trial for nearly three years, and was due to see his first day in court June 23.

On Friday, after a tense hearing, the judges ordered all proceedings stopped. In their ruling, which was released on Monday, the judges said that the prosecution had withheld “significant” exculpatory evidence from the defense. As a result, they wrote, “the trial process has been ruptured to such a degree that it is now impossible to piece together the constituent elements of a fair trial.”

This is a funny case whatever way you look at it. The Court’s mission is to try the “most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole.” Lubanga, however, is a small-timer as Congolese warlords go. Yes, I’d like to see the brutal kidnappers of children brought to justice. But is Lubanga among the most serious perpetrators of the most serious crimes in the world?

Obviously not. So why go after li’l ol’ Lubanga? Well, the ICC has yet to try or convict anyone. It may be that they want an easy case to get the party started. Well, if so, and they’ve managed to get the case kicked out, bravo bozos.

Another story is that Lubanga is to set an example for for the bigger warlords in the region: disarm peaceably, or you’re going to be brought to justice just like your pal here. Indeed, one of the underlying logics of the ICC is that the prosecution of war criminals will help deter future warlordism and increase our leverage over current ones.

Again, nicely done, ICC.

I wish it got better. But from where I stand, the ICC’s approach to their other major case–northern Uganda–is similarly bumbling and naive. The ICC released indictments for the leadership of the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army in 2006, working closely with the Government of Uganda. But by pointedly refusing to investigate the Government’s own great crimes against the citizenry in northern Uganda, the ICC immediately became a partisan in the long-running conflict.

Now, the LRA indictments had an unexpectedly good effect: encouraging the rebel leadership to come to the negotiating table rather than running away for good. There are two possible interpretations of these events: one, the ICC has superb information and political acumen, and knew exactly what they were doing; two, they got plain lucky.

Given that the prosecutor’s office displayed (and continues to display) almost complete ignorance of the war and the facts on the ground, and given that the prosecutor was genuinely amazed that nearly all of Ugandan civil society opposed his secretive indictments, I lean towards ‘blind lucky’. But I could be persuaded otherwise.

Try getting an ICC supporter to see this side. I’ve tried. The members and supporters of the ICC I’ve encountered display an ideological fervor for ICC the institution that I wish was matched by a fervor for an actual international system of justice–presumption of innocence, fair trails, and so forth. If a Congolese war criminal or a Ugandan peace process must be crushed by the wheels of international justice to establish an ICC, so be it, I have heard it said. Nothing in my mind could more quickly undermine the ICC’s credibility and effectiveness.

I’d like to see an international system of justice with powers reaching beyond what the ICC presently has. But not if it’s run with the same apparent arrogance and ignorance. The closest parallel to the ICC I see is Bush and the neocons and the remaking of the Middle East. The second closest parallel is Boss Hog and Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. That should give us all pause.

Readers: If I’m too critical, I would happily be proven wrong in the comments section.

For a more optimistic and better informed view of the ICC, my friend Tim Allen has a short book. For a view even more critical than mine, see this provocative paper from Adam Branch.

7 Responses

  1. the most surprising thing is, if there is that much pressure on the prosecution to get an indictment and that many resources at his disposal, how could he frig up the evidence. He really scooped up that evidence and ignored the conditions placed on it by UN and thought not one would mind?

    Speaking of that, I also wonder how they collected evidence in Uganda – the arrest warrants state ex-LRA, UPDF and I understand UN Security and media were also sources. Witnesses I dont think were reliable enough. Now, I often wonder how Ongwen was named most responsible before the likes of others (some of whom like helped the prosecution, eg the Kolos) such as Abudema, MicMan Opuk and Ocan Bunia…I understand he was operational at the time of the investigations, but was he one of the most responsible in terms of seniority?

    In Sudan, what evidence is being used? from the AU?

    If its anything like UN security reports, they are often limited by inability to access sites, relying on armed forces (eg in UPDF).

    Of course there are biases in UPDF reporting.

    anyone that can enlighten?

  2. Back in the 1980s there was a song by Public Enemy called ‘911 Is A Joke’. That song needs to be updated to be ‘The ICC Is A Joke’.

  3. I should have added:

    (3) The ridiculous disconnect between the resources put into the prosecution teams and those for the defence. It’s not a fair trial if you’ve got 30 researchers for the prosecution and 2 for the defence.

  4. No no, you’re on the ball with this one I think Chris.

    Two main problems as I see it are:

    (1) The disconnect between the people in the countries concerned and the ICC process – justice and reconciliation are not necessarily always in line.

    (2) Justice at any price is just not good enough as a reason for lavish expenditures. Particularly when judges’ incentives are to keep a trial going longer with no fixed end to per diem rates. Tens of millions of pounds per prosecution in post-conflict countries with horrifically dysfunctional and underfunded domestic legal systems (and extreme poverty) is obscene.

    That being said there are some very good people working for the courts, and this is a very difficult area. I was in Freetown when Charles Taylor was brought in from Nigeria and it was an amazing day for the country, and I believe made a real difference.

    There’s just a lot more to be done to temper justice and get it owned to a larger extent by the populations who after all were those affected by the violence.

  5. I think the ICC could be a good thing too, but am worried about ignoring other variables such as reconciliation, post-conflict reconstruction, real justice all for the sake of advancing the court.

    More bad news on the ICC:

    They attempted “extraordinary rendition”! Makes the Gitmo comparison even more appropriate.

  6. Actually I think you’re totally on point. The ICC concept, I think, is fine. The execution, however, has been less than impressive.

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